
a machine: a system, a mechanism, an appliance noun
  • "For those of you just tuning in, it was reported that the eccentric perfume magnate was piloting a hot air balloon while drunk when he lost control of the machine."
  • "Joan : A sky flying machine!"
  • "Horatio : This is a sky flying machine... or a plane."
  • "Jean : Uh, can we buy a real espresso machine for the lounge?"
  • "I wasn't meant to interface with a machine."
  • "So would you like to discuss your espresso machine proposal?"
  • "Not only are private plane flights expensive and wasteful, but Horatio is terrified of machines, with the exception of his juicer."
  • "I'm a lean, mean, turbo-charged selling machine!"
  • "I know you don't check your email very regularly, as you believe they are "devil machines", but I'm really hoping you get this message as soon as possible."
  • "Philip & Brian : MACHINE!"

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